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2018 annual report released

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2018 annual report released

The past year has been significant for OCAV on many fronts from embracing new research, increasing the number of volunteers actively involved in all our villages, through to advocating for more affordable housing, ending ageism, and highlighting our approach to palliation.

December 16, 2018

The past year has been significant for OCAV on many fronts from embracing new research, increasing the number of volunteers actively involved in all our villages, through to advocating for more affordable housing, ending ageism, and highlighting our approach to palliation.

The achievements, showcased in the organisation’s 2018 Annual Report, highlight how OCAV continues to embrace new ideas and consolidate its approach to housing and care for older Victorians in need.

Over the past year, 416 older Victorians were housed by OCAV, and of these 78.4 per cent were women, 72 residents were in their nineties, and all enjoyed around eight years of living in an OCAV village. Our wait list continues to grow as more people hear about our continuum of care approach.

Our staff are integral to delivering strong services, particularly in Liscombe House, our aged care facility. Over 2,719 training hours were delivered throughout the year with all staff enrolled in Aged Care Solutions, an online program endorsed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation.

The number of falls has decreased significantly over the year thanks to the purchase of electric beds through a grant from the Aged Persons Welfare Foundation. OCAV’s Back Attack program for staff on manual handling has made an enormous difference to staff and residents alike.

Our volunteering program has grown to 185 volunteers ranging in age from 20 years to several in their 90s. Ninety three volunteers are village residents. Volunteers work in Liscombe House’s diversional therapy program helping to run music programs, happy hours, discussion groups, craft and pet therapy.

For a full report go to:

OCAV_MV032 Annual Report 2018_V9-FA-Screen.