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A new bed makes all the difference

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A new bed makes all the difference

When Jane moved to Liscombe House from hospital in mid 2021, she struggled with her sudden loss of independence and managing her chronic pain.

November 18, 2021

When Jane moved to Liscombe House from hospital in mid 2021, she struggled with her sudden loss of independence and managing her chronic pain.

That has been turned around thanks to a new bed purchased by Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria through funding from the Aged Persons Welfare Foundation.

Jane has been using her new bed for a fortnight now, and the difference is that she wakes without pain and throughout the night.

“I can also get in and out of bed by myself because the bed is height adjustable,” Jane said.

“Better still, if I want to sleep in and have breakfast in bed, I can do so because the bed head raises to a sitting position,” she said.

The Aged Persons Welfare Foundation funded nine specialist beds earlier this year.

Kerry Feistl, Director of Nursing, said that the beds had certainly made a positive impact for residents and staff.

“They do not look like ‘hospital’ beds, they reduce falls because they lower to the floor, they are comfortable, and they reduce the strain on our workers and protect their health and safety,” she said.