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Age friendly roundtable

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Age friendly roundtable

How age friendly is Victoria? That was the question posed at a recent roundtable hosted by the State Government of Victoria.

August 17, 2016

How age friendly is Victoria? That was the question posed at a recent roundtable hosted by the State Government of Victoria.


OCAV, along with around 100 other delegates mostly from local government, came together to learn more about what is happening across the State to make life for older Victorian men and women more age friendly.


Phillip Wohlers, OCAV’s CEO, said the roundtable underlined how well advanced OCAV is in its approach to ensuring older Victorians live active and healthy lives with appropriate support available when needed.


Several projects were featured at the roundtable. These included:

· Telstra – Tech Savvy Seniors’ program that is run in conjunction with the Victorian government and Libraries Victoria Network. This project aims to improve the digital literacy and digital inclusion of seniors in Victoria.


· Colac Otway Shire’s Positive Ageing Ambassadors toolkit, which was officially launched by the Commissioner for Senior Victorians, Gerard Mansour. The toolbox aims to help councils recruit and educate ambassadors to promote positive ageing.


· Transdev’s program which aims to reduce trips and falls on its buses.


“In all, we can be proud of the many initiatives we have underway in our four villages which directly involve our residents,” said Mr Wohlers.