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Aged Care Employee Day 2022

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Aged Care Employee Day 2022

August 23, 2022

Aged Care Employee Day is a special day, one on which we recognise the amazing work that our people do in caring for our residents.

August 7 is a a day on which we celebrate and thank you every member of our team for the wonderful work they do. The thank you is not just for today, but for every day that you care for, love, and support our residents.

There are over 360,000 people working in aged care across Australia. It takes an extraordinary amount of expertise, skill, patience, and heart to care for the aged individuals who are the most vulnerable in our society.

Everyone plays a part in enhancing the lives of our residents. Across our four sites, we care for almost 500 people. People whose lives are enriched by the care and support our team provide. On behalf of the Council and management team, I can’t thank you all enough. I have nothing but respect and admiration for all your hard work through what has been an extremely challenging period in our lives both personally and professionally.

Thank you for all being part of the Abound Communities family and for your unwavering commitment to the care and support of our elders.

Chief Executive Officer

Here are some ways we celebrated Aged Care Employee Day at Abound Communities.

- Employee Gift Cards

- Employee Appreciation Cards written by staff

- Afternoon Tea