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Assisted living apartments open at Braeside Park

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Assisted living apartments open at Braeside Park

Fourteen serviced apartments were constructed in 1999, all clustered around a central garden and close to the communal dining room. Ali Gwyer is one of the residents.

April 28, 2019

Fourteen serviced apartments were constructed in 1999, all clustered around a central garden and close to the communal dining room. Ali Gwyer is one of the residents.

One of the hallmarks of OCAV’s care for older Victorians is offering assisted living to those who can live independently but need a bit of care.

Several of the apartments were funded through philanthropic foundations including the Ian Rollo Currie Foundation, the Jack Brockhoff Foundation, and the Marian and EH Flack Trust.

Ali Gwyer moved from Rushall Park to Braeside Park’s assisted living apartments and has never looked back. She lives with chronic osteo-arthritis, a heart condition and a complex range of other health issues, and believes the move to Braeside Park has had a major impact on her health and wellbeing and she feels better now and is more mobile than she has been for many years. She describes her life as “a bit like living in a luxury hotel with amazing staff. I am also surrounded by a lot of humour and a lot of care, so that’s better than a luxury hotel, isn’t it?” she said.