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Breaking news - Leith Park plans approved

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Breaking news - Leith Park plans approved

Banyule City Council has given approval to plans to extend Leith Park, our village in St Helena. The $14.9 million investment by the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria will see an additional 46 state of the art independent living units built into the highly sought after retirement village.

October 3, 2016

Banyule City Council has given approval to plans to extend Leith Park, our village in St Helena.

The $14.9 million investment by the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria will see an additional 46 state of the art independent living units built into the highly sought after retirement village.

MGS Architects, a highly regarded leader in the design of affordable housing, have been engaged by OCAV to oversee the development.

“We are delighted that the plans have been accepted as it will allow us to offer more older Victorians the chance to experience retirement living at its best,” CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

“Our homes are already known for providing older people with the accommodation and facilities they need to keep living independently and well for as long as possible,” he added.

Currently Leith Park offers 118 self-contained independent living homes, including 15 two-bedroom homes and 103 one-bedroom homes, each with a laundry, modern kitchen, bathroom and living/ dining area.

A recent survey conducted by MOA Benchmarking revealed that 100 per cent of Leith Park residents said they were happy and satisfied with their retirement living. This is above the national benchmark.

The survey, by MOA Benchmarking covered more than 30 topics focusing on satisfaction with the OCAV villages, accommodation, activities, services and facilities, management processes and staff.

Full details will be reported in the next newsletter.