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Care is central to Josephine’s nursing philosophy

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Care is central to Josephine’s nursing philosophy

Josephine Katite may be a long way from Kenya, where she was born and lived until 2005 but the experience of looking after her elderly grandparents is very much with her every day.

May 6, 2020

Josephine Katite may be a long way from Kenya, where she was born and lived until 2005 but the experience of looking after her elderly grandparents is very much with her every day.

“Children in Kenya are expected to look after their parents, and our culture is very much focused on drawing on their wisdom, life experiences and expertise,” Josephine said.

She remains in awe of one of her grandmothers who lived to be at least 102 and was hoeing in her garden in the days before she died.

“She just got on with life with passion and strength in the knowledge that she was loved and respected by everyone around her,” Josephine said.

It is these memories that see Josephine through every day at Liscombe House where she is one of the aged care facility’s clinical care managers.

“My role is to ensure that our residents receive the best care we can give to ensure the highest quality of life,” Josephine said.

“Treating our residents with respect and dignity, listening and validating their concerns, empathising, reassuring with kindness and encouragement is what I do at work every day,” she says.

She started at Liscombe House in 2016 after 20 years working in acute, subacute and aged care settings. Aged care has given Josephine the most satisfaction, but it was a definite culture shock at first.

“I had many different views and expectations and was shocked initially because I was not expecting so many people to be living in a Residential care,” Josephine said.

Spurred on to learn more and to follow her passion for caring for older people, she studied nursing at the University of South Australia, worked in various hospitals and finally moved into aged care.

“I have never looked back. I enjoy coming to work and my goal is to bring a smile to our residents’ faces every day. I hold their hands when needed, listen to their stories and I can tell you that I have the best job in the world. It is fulfilling and rewarding.”

At the moment, her life is very much focused on preventing COVID-19 from entering Liscombe House, and the heralding of winter and start of the ‘flu season is certainly very much at the forefront of her mind.

“The team here is motivated, well trained and supportive, and that makes a huge difference for everyone,” Josephine said.

At the end of the day, however, she likes returning home to read books and enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

But the pull of Kenya is never far away.

“I support a children’s home there; it is my way of giving back to my home and to keep my love of my home country alive and with me all the time.”