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Charter of aged care rights

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Charter of aged care rights

The Federal Government recently put out a draft single charter outlining the rights of aged care consumers, regardless of their subsidised care type.

November 13, 2018

The Federal Government recently put out a draft single charter outlining the rights of aged care consumers, regardless of their subsidised care type.

OCAV has made a submission on the draft charter, described by Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care, Ken Wyatt AM, as a vital part of the government’s reform agenda.

“We have welcomed the fact that the draft charter has brought together the previous charters into a one page document which attempts to provide a shared understanding between people receiving care and aged care providers to help everyone to work together to achieve safe, high-quality aged care,” CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

The draft charter focuses on the rights of consumers of aged care, and especially the right to dignity, respect and consideration; safety and quality; choice and control; and comments and complaints.

“However, there is a glaring omission and that is, consumers also have joint responsibility to respect the staff who provide their care and services, and the rights of other residents,” Mr Wohlers said.

He said the removal of responsibilities, particularly those relating to the safety of staff and other residents, dignity of risk, and the need for services to be paid for, could hinder aged care providers’ ability to deliver quality care and safe work environment.

The single charter is expected to come into effect from 1 July 2019.