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Chuckle cookies make the day at Liscombe House

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Chuckle cookies make the day at Liscombe House

A passer-by could have been forgiven for wondering what was going on in Liscombe House early Wednesday 7 October. The sound of laughter followed by silence was deafening.

October 7, 2020

A passer-by could have been forgiven for wondering what was going on in Liscombe House early Wednesday 7 October. The sound of laughter followed by silence was deafening.

It all started with the delivery of biscuits, freshly baked by volunteer Lisa Wilson.

They were, however, no ordinary biscuit. Each had a cheerful or fun message deliberately chosen to give staff a laugh. Some of the messages include: Is it 2021 yet? And Quarantine calories don't count.

Lisa has been volunteering since August 2015 and is the go-to person for carpet bowls.

“I enjoy baking biscuits and have been baking during the pandemic to give to people who I think need cheering up,” Lisa said.

“Liscombe House staff have been under enormous stress keeping residents, themselves and their families healthy and I wanted to show them that they are appreciated,” she said.

Lisa trawls google and speak messages for the quirky messages which she then carefully ices onto each biscuit.

The biscuits are placed carefully into boxes. Inside the lid of each box is written Thinking of you and at the bottom of each box is written you never know what they day will bring…today it brought biscuits…yummm.