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Couple welcome people to their home in The Glen

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Couple welcome people to their home in The Glen

Graham Papworth first heard from his regular taxi driver, Tony, that a unit might be free at Leith Park. He didn’t ask how his taxi driver knew, but he believed him. Graham and his wife, Georgina, followed up the lead and last year moved into Unit 60 at Leith Park in the area known as The Glen.

July 15, 2019

Graham Papworth first heard from his regular taxi driver, Tony, that a unit might be free at Leith Park. He didn’t ask how his taxi driver knew, but he believed him. Graham and his wife, Georgina, followed up the lead and last year moved into Unit 60 at Leith Park in the area known as The Glen.

They had been renting a property nearby and were keen to find secure and permanent housing, and Leith Park in St Helena certainly fitted the bill.

Georgina was a little reluctant at the time, thinking that at 67, she wasn’t old enough to move into a retirement village. She soon discovered she was wrong. The couple is very happy with their decision and a after a few months Georgina has settled into her new home.

“We could feel as soon as we moved in that Leith Park has a strong community. But having our own unit means you can get as involved as you like or enjoy your privacy,” Georgina said.

For Graham, 72, the move was perfect timing and he has taken the opportunity to meet some of the other men in the village through the Men’s Shed, regular barbecue gatherings at the hall and through his regular walks around the village streets.

“I have a shed of my own which is great for me because I like to potter around and fix things and keep busy,” Graham said.

“I like to walk and it’s a great way of meeting new people, settling into a place and enjoying the lovely trees in the area.”

Graham also shares the household’s shopping and favours the village bus and the local public transport over driving his own car. Again, it’s an opportunity to meet and socialise, something he has done as a volunteer for almost twenty years. As a returned Army veteran Graham spent a lot of time supporting other returned soldiers through the Air Dispatch Association. His commitment to the welfare of veterans continues, but he has stepped back a bit from the hands on support role.

Georgina and Graham have two daughters, one son and four grandchildren who live in the area and they remain connected to life outside the village. Georgina still attends her regular exercise classes nearby.

One of their joys moving into the village was buying new furniture for their unit and working together to do up the garden. It was a renovated unit and is now just how they want it to look. Built in 1978 they don’t know anything about previous occupants, but hope the future at Leith Park is a bright one for them.

Little wonder No 60 was chosen as one of the Leith Park units open for inspection during the 150th Anniversary Open Day on Sunday 20 October –1pm – 3.30pm.