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Donate to our Winter Appeal

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Donate to our Winter Appeal

Will you help OCAV purchase urgently needed medical equipment – items that are critical to the care and comfort of vulnerable older people?

June 24, 2020

Dear Friend

Will you help OCAV purchase urgently needed medical equipment – items that are critical to the care and comfort of vulnerable older people?

There are 81 older people in aged care at OCAV’s Liscombe House. Their lives are all affected by chronic ill-health. Many people have dementia and a number of residents will need palliative care in the coming year.

I’m reaching out to you today because there are some pieces of equipment that are simply vital to the exceptional care they deserve and that we deliver.

Take Lyn for example, who is completely immobile. Lyn suffers pressure sores that make it excruciating to move. $50 will help contribute to the cost of a specialist gel pad that distributes her weight more evenly and prevents the sores developing in the first place.

Lyn also needs a wheelchair so that we can take her outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. $150 will help contribute to the cost of this essential piece of equipment.

An incredibly generous gift of $500 will help contribute to the cost of a specialist bed which Lyn needs to increase her comfort and prevent her falling.

The equipment we desperately need right now includes:

  • Wheelchairs for residents with mobility issues.
  • Air mattresses, gel cushions, and movement matts to prevent and ease pressure sores.
  • Blood pressure machines and trolleys so that each wing has its own to minimise infection transfer from wing to wing.
  • Speciality beds with pressure mattresses and the ability to lower to the floor to prevent falls and increase comfort.
  • A palliative care trolley to transport equipment from room to room.

The total cost is $30,000 which can only be funded by charitable donations like yours, and every donation over $2 is tax deductible. I promise to purchase each and every piece as soon as the funds are available.

Please support this paperless appeal by using one of the following options to donate:


Or by

CHEQUE made out to Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria, 20 Rushall Crescent, Fitzroy North, VIC 3068.


On behalf of every single resident at Liscombe House, I want to thank you for your support.

Shaaron Robilliard

Director of Nursing


Please donate today, your gift will make such a difference to the lives of our residents.