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Edible rescue remedies created from honesty

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Edible rescue remedies created from honesty

In April this year, Jennifer Barden dreamed up the idea of an Honesty Basket, filled with treats baked by Rushall Park residents.

December 13, 2020

In April this year, Jennifer Barden dreamed up the idea of an Honesty Basket, filled with treats baked by Rushall Park residents.

The idea was fermented after the closure of the much-loved Kiosk due to the pandemic lockdown.

“It meant no coffee mornings and no Friday offerings from our resident bakers,” Jennifer said.

Fourteen bakers, now known as The Basketeers, committed to providing homemade delicacies weekly, and each week Monday to Friday Jennifer stocked the Honesty Basket and delivered it to the Kiosk.

Residents could visit at a safe distance and help themselves leaving their name and amount on a list provided… which included biscuits, slices, marmalades and chutneys. Each day there were approximately fifteen items available.

“This enterprise was a wonderful example of trust and love in action,” Jennifer said.

And from little ideas, bigger ideas grew and the concept of a recipe book entitled ‘Rescue Remedies’ seemed a logical progression to basketeer Lorraine Lipson. And so the book began, with the criteria for the book was that the recipes had all been enjoyed frequently during the year. In all there are 40 recipes covering cakes, slices, savouries, and everything in between.

Cooking and baking are dear to the hearts of many residents, and during lockdown many found comfort in cooking, experiencing the delight in sharing food with friends and neighbours.

Some, like Jennifer, cooked more during the year, because of necessity and having time to explore new recipes.

The Basketeers, ranging in age from 70 to 95, jumped at the chance to be both part of the Honesty Basket and then to the publication of Rescue Remedies.

The contributors include: Bette Allen, Margaret Amarant, Jennifer Barden, Anne Bellew, Helen Besley,
Lois Collinder, Jenny Edwards, Beverley Gordon, Lorraine Lipson, Pat Medland,
Liz Montgomery, Sue Picot,
 Sybil Spall and Margaret Turner.

Recipes include favourite sponges, cheese biscuits, carrot cake, many kinds of shortbread, salted peanut butter biscuits and the ubiquitous vanilla slice.

Rescue Remedies is on sale for $20 through Jennifer Barden (0425 761 564) or

Lorraine Lipson (0419 675 938).