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From baking bread to aged care

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From baking bread to aged care

Aged care was not Marija Mckenzie’s first choice of work but since starting at Liscombe House six years ago, she says she has landed in a place and job she loves.

November 14, 2021

Aged care was not Marija Mckenzie’s first choice of work but since starting at Liscombe House six years ago, she says she has landed in a place and job she loves.

In many ways, it is different to what she was doing before – owning a family-run bakery for fifteen years – but there are many similarities too.

“Where I once had regular customers whom I knew well, I now have residents. My working day is varied, as it was in the bakery. There are plenty of smiles and laughs, as well as times of sadness,” Marija said.

Marija decided to switch into aged care for personal reasons.

“I needed a change but I also had parents who needed that extra bit of care. Aged care seemed the logical next step,” she said.

For her, working as a Personal Care Assistant, each day brings challenges, highs and lows.

“Meeting residents every day, finding out about what they are doing and their latest news always brightens my day,” Marija said.

“I enjoy listening too, and that has been really important during the lockdowns we have had over the past year.”

Marija holds her Certificate III in aged care, and she is always on the look-out for other courses which enable her to deepen her knowledge. She has been involved in the palliative care team’s work at Liscombe House which she describes as rewarding.

The past year has been challenging because of the pandemic.

“Somehow though we are crunching through it because we do have a good team spirit, are well trained in infection control, and there is excellent wellbeing support offered,” Marija said.

At the end of the day, Marija exchanges a busy work life for a hectic family life. Her daughter and her family of five are living with Marija and her partner while they build a new home.

“There is never a dull moment, and when it gets all too much, I put my walking shoes on and escape for a long time.