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From the CEO

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From the CEO

In a single century, we have gone from one of the most age-integrated nations on earth to its mirror opposite. How can we find new ways to do old things, to rediscover the joys of intergenerational connection?

July 19, 2021

In a single century, we have gone from one of the most age-integrated nations on earth to its mirror opposite. How can we find new ways to do old things, to rediscover the joys of intergenerational connection?

Ageing doesn’t automatically mean that people slow down. In fact, for many, some days feel like life is just getting started. It’s easy for our older people to feel that way when they get to interact with people younger than themselves on a regular basis.

That’s why at OCAV we have introduced intergenerational activities and programs, and encourage Liscombe House families to bring grandchildren in. On a personal level, I know the benefits of being around my grandson and the joy he brings to me and, I hope, me to him. I’m waiting, though, for him to learn the art of picking up lego.

There are plenty of advantages to intergenerational activities. These include reducing the very real possibilities of social and economic isolation that so many older people unfortunately feel. Research has shown that when older people connect meaningfully with children and young people, they burn 20% more calories per week, fall less and rely less on walking supports.

Homelessness Week

In the first week of August, we mark Homelessness Week. In Australia, there are over 116,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night. This year the theme is Everybody Needs a Home, a sentiment we entirely support. Of our 470 residents, 235 have come from backgrounds of homelessness or being at risk of becoming homeless either because they were living in private rental accommodation, in rooming houses, or in sheds in a relative’s garden.

Over the last year, OCAV has contributed to make many submissions and reports to draw attention to older people and homelessness, especially older women. As we have had to stress in each submission, the terms of reference do not specifically refer to the housing needs of older people.

We will continue to lobby for more affordable housing which is age-friendly and accessible.

Aged Care Employee Day

This year we will celebrate our aged care staff in every village in the lead up to Aged Care Employee Day on August 7.

The theme #ThanksforCaring recognises every team member involved in caring for the 1.3 million older Australians receiving home care or residential care services. This includes nurses and care workers, allied health professionals, hospitality teams, drivers, cleaners, volunteers, lifestyle officers, and administration staff. Here at OCAV, we are also celebrating the staff in each village for their contribution to enabling the organisation to be a happy and vibrant place to live and work.

We will be putting photos and updates about our celebrations on our Facebook and Twitter feed, and encourage you to share them with friends, with the hashtag #ThanksforCaring.

Until the next newsletter, keep well, keep warm, keep your windows open and keep a mask with you all the time.