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From the CEO

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From the CEO

One of the joys of working at OCAV is being able to walk around the gardens. Each village garden has its own personality, and at this time of year, they are full of colour bringing with it a sense of renewal and hope.

September 27, 2021

One of the joys of working at OCAV is being able to walk around the gardens. Each village garden has its own personality, and at this time of year, they are full of colour bringing with it a sense of renewal and hope.

Our gardening staff have been working hard alongside volunteers and residents planting new beds, thinning out plants, and planning new ventures. Chief among these are installations of new vegetable beds, more residents growing herbs and vegetables in pots, and the exchange of recipes using fresh produce. We really are a living community.

We are still locked down, albeit with restrictions easing as our vaccination rates go up. We all know lockdown has not been easy and, for some of us, more difficult than others. As always, the sense of community shines through with every village – whether it is decorating posts with flowers and plants, dropping meals around to neighbours, or making a point of walking with a buddy.

We all look forward to November 5, or thereabouts, when we pass the 80 per cent double vaccinated milestone and resume life as we knew it. I, for one, am looking forward to going fishing once again.

As we head towards this goal, I am mindful that we will continue to have cases in the community and take this opportunity to thank all our staff and volunteers, especially at Liscombe House, for their commitment to keeping residents well and safe. This is done with a smile – sometimes hard to see though through the masks and face shields.

As always there are positive stories in this newsletter. For me, I am delighted that OCAV will be moving into Home Care towards the middle of 2022. It will bring residents more choice within our continuum of care. I am also proud of the team for getting fully vaccinated, in many instances, ahead of the mandated deadline. We are indeed #ProudtoProtect.

On October 1, we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. This annual celebration is held to recognise the contributions of older persons and to examine issues that affect their lives. I hope that we all take time to reflect the older people in our lives, and I raise cheers to you all.

In this newsletter, you will read about the Fitzroy High School and Rushall Park project connecting older and younger people through the lens of the pandemic. What we anticipate coming out of the project – in the shape of a book – is insight into the similarities of feelings, resilience, and a sense of appreciation.

Warm wishes
