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From the Director of Nursing

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From the Director of Nursing

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated around the world on 8 March, a fantastic way to celebrate women’s achievements.

March 3, 2020

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated around the world on 8 March, a fantastic way to celebrate women’s achievements.

This year the theme is Generation Equality, a call to action to join forces across generations, to create a world where every girl and woman has equal opportunities to fulfil their full potential.

#EachforEqual is a theme very dear to me, and one which I see played out every day at the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria through the work of our staff and volunteers, and our residents.

While it is correct that we have more women working and volunteering with us, as well as more women residents than men, there is little doubt in my mind that everyone associated with OCAV is committed to equality and ending disadvantage. Indeed, OCAV’s mission is all about ending disadvantage by ensuring older Victorians in need are supported with safe and appropriate housing.

We are also leading the way among retirement living and aged care providers in the development of a diversity and inclusion policy. We are proud of this achievement not least because it will frame our employment and volunteer programs, and we have committed to reporting on its progress every two years.

The inclusion and diversity policy puts into place a framework which will support OCAV to improve its care, and which aims to make sure our services are safe and respectful of every one’s diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

The start of the year has been a difficult one for all of us. The bush fires, which came close to our Currie Park village in Euroa, have been distressing to say the least. We are all really proud of the fundraising efforts and other activities that our residents have been involved in for bushfire relief. This includes knitting and sewing for koalas badly burnt in East Gippsland through to raising funds for the many different charities working hard to ensure relief ends up with all affected people and communities in Victoria.

What is very much also on our radar is the growing incidence of the coronavirus. We have been sharing information on our social media about how to contain the virus, and what we each can do to prevent and prepare.

We are guided by our influenza policy and practice which includes washing our hands well, not touching our faces, replacing handshakes with elbow bumps, and thinking how to take care of ourselves so we don't infect others. We are monitoring the situation and, again, will share factual updates and advice on our social media.

It is all too easy to become down about the situations facing the world. However, there is much that is good going on and which we should be encouraged by. This includes the start of work on our Children’s Garden at Liscombe House, the news that our Virtual Reality research program at Currie Park has been funded again, the building of nests for sugar gliders in Leith Park, and the welcoming of new residents into Rushall and Leith Parks, as well as the fantastic contributions all of us make to our villages and in the broader community.