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From the Director of Nursing

News & events

From the Director of Nursing

On 8 March – International Women’s Day - the world’s attention focuses on women. Generally, the conversation is about how women are disproportionately affected by lack of gender equality everywhere in the world.

January 2, 2022

On 8 March – International Women’s Day - the world’s attention focuses on women. Generally, the conversation is about how women are disproportionately affected by lack of gender equality everywhere in the world.

That focus is appropriate. For instance, this year the theme will be looking at how gender equality is impacted by climate change. Every day, women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and its devastating consequences.

But International Women’s Day is not just about highlighting what is yet needed to pull women up to the same or higher status of men.

It is also about showcasing the remarkable achievements and progress women are making in their calls for change, and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women.

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing women; residents, volunteers and staff alike, whether they are based at Liscombe House or any of our four villages. Every woman I meet has lived amazing, challenging and accomplished lives.

Our older residents have lived through the hardships of war, celebrated the Women’s Liberation Movement and raised families who are tolerant and educated. Our younger staff and volunteers are deeply concerned about gender equality, respect in the workplace and in the community, and the importance of diversity and tolerance.

In a way, OCAV mirrors what the mission of International Women’s Day is all about: to champion female empowerment. From those early days of the Suffragettes campaigning for the right to vote, today International Women’s day encourages women to follow their dreams and strive to achieve their goals without worrying about the bias or barriers that society poses.

As Director of Nursing, my role is as much about ensuring our residents have the best care and support that we can give. Part of enabling this to happen is to make sure staff and volunteers are supported, are trained, and are encouraged to embrace lifelong learning.

We know that the aged care and retirement village workforces are not given the respect they deserve, whether that is through pay, limited career choices, or lack of training. Here, we work to turn that around. We actively speak out against ageism. We encourage a work-life balance. We celebrate milestones.

This newsletter contains wonderful stories about our women residents, staff and volunteers as well as news about our many initiatives that are starting.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have.

Happy International Women’s Day.

Warm wishes

Kerry Feistl.