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George and Margaret celebrate a good life

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George and Margaret celebrate a good life

Margaret and George Young moved to Rushall Park 19 years ago expecting to see out their days there. So far so good. The pair, who celebrated 75 years of marriage this year, are one of the oldest couples in the North Fitzroy village.

November 19, 2019

Margaret and George Young moved to Rushall Park 19 years ago expecting to see out their days there. So far so good. The pair, who celebrated 75 years of marriage this year, are one of the oldest couples in the North Fitzroy village.

George, 97, and Margaret, 96, moved to the village from their home in Frankston at the urging of a neighbour who had made the move to Rushall Park. They lived in a Fripp Avenue cottage until June this year when they moved to an assisted living apartment.

The Youngs have seen a lot of changes through their life, and at the village, and they were the ideal choice to do the ceremonial burial of the time capsule at the village’s recent 150th celebrations.

George, who was born in London and Margaret, from Edinburgh, have lived in Australia more than half their lives. They left their home and families in the 1960s and moved to Australia when George’s employment became precarious. He got work in computers in Australia when the technology was in its infancy and was part of the huge developments that engulfed much of the world.

They have little use for a computer these days except to stay in touch with their family on the other side of the world. Each Monday they Skype their son, John, who lives in the US and a couple of times a week Margaret chats with her sister on Guernsey Island. It’s also a good way for them to follow the successes of their granddaughter, Stephanie Catley, who is a lauded defender with Australia’s national soccer team, the Matildas.

When they first arrived at Rushall Park almost two decades ago George was on the Residents Committee and involved in village life. As part of his committee responsibilities he welcomed new residents and helped them feel at home in their new home. They don’t go out much these days and after 75 years, still enjoy each other’s company, good music and the company of a good book from the Rushall Park library.

“We have made lots of friends in the village and outside the village over the years, but we have outlived most of them. They have died or moved into care. That’s what happens when you get very old,” George said.

Margaret joined a knitting club many years ago and still knits beautiful woollen toys for charity and for family babies. “If I didn’t have my knitting now I would be lost. It helps fill in so much time,” she said.

Like most people who reach their nineties, Margaret and George, have a few health problems, but they do what they can to ‘hang on’ and stay independent and able to care for themselves and each other. They consider themselves very lucky, not just because of their life in Australia, but before that. George served in the British Army for six years during the Second World War and fought in Germany and France, surviving and coming home to his young wife.

They both agree, it’s a lucky life they have led.