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Getting through the virus one bench squat at a time

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Getting through the virus one bench squat at a time

There has been no excuse for slackening off on exercise during lockdown at Rushall Park.

May 29, 2020

There has been no excuse for slackening off on exercise during lockdown at Rushall Park.

Former physical education teacher Maggie Roobol-Hill, has set up an informal outdoor exercise circuit under the watchful eye of OCAV founder George Coppin.

“As activities were cancelled due to the lockdown, it seemed important to provide an alternative so that we could do gentle exercises outdoor.” Maggie said.

The triangle of Grice, Henty and Fripp Avenues – where the bust of George Coppin is found - provided the perfect site for a circuit, and within days a seven-station activity circuit had been set up.

The activities include basic bench squats, weights, incline walks, calf raises, wall push ups, seated leg raises, and step ups to suit all needs and ages.

It is hoped that even when all the communal areas and activities re-open at Rushall Park, that the circuit continues.

“It has become a hub for us, and we have also put in a ping-pong table, and some of us are gathering to juggle balls, skip or hoola-hoop,” Maggie said.

Maggie came to OCAV five years ago. She has long enjoyed volunteering within the village and keeps busy cooking, going for walks, yoga, and gardening.

Keeping fit and active has always been an important of her life. She has always loved dancing, growing up with classical ballet. She loved swimming which led her into the sport of synchronised swimming which was new at the time.

“The combination of swimming, dance and music was meant for me,” Maggie said.

Always one to try out new activities, she took up trampolining and was part of a group involved in introducing it into high school physical education programs.

“Outdoor exercise is a wonderful way of bringing people together – and that is what has happened here during lockdown,” Maggie said.

“We may be physically distancing but that does not mean we have to be socially isolated.”