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Governor visits Liscombe House

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Governor visits Liscombe House

The Governor of Victoria, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, visited Liscombe House, our aged care home, recently to learn more about our work and to talk with residents about life at OCAV.

February 19, 2018

The Governor of Victoria, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC and her husband, Mr Anthony Howard, visited Liscombe House, our aged care home, recently to learn more about our work and to talk with residents about life at OCAV. They ‘volunteered’ handing out tea and scones. Among the residents, they met with Jean Lee, who volunteers in Liscombe House’s library, Joan Chadzynski, who is on the Leith Park Activity Committee, and Wes Thomas, who is a member of the Men’s Group. The Governor is patron of the Association.

Caption: Director of Nursing Shaaron Robilliard, CEO Mr Phillip Wohlers, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Mr Anthony Howard and OCAV’s Council President Kevin Neville.