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Harry Studwick has his say

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Harry Studwick has his say

Harry Studwick was among several residents responding to questions about becoming older as part of OCAV’s contribution to the UN International Day of the Older Person on Thursday 1 October. This year is the 30th anniversary of the day, and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

September 29, 2020

Harry Studwick was among several residents responding to questions about becoming older as part of OCAV’s contribution to the UN International Day of the Older Person on Thursday 1 October. This year is the 30th anniversary of the day, and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

What is the greatest thing about being your age?

Family and the love you receive from them.

Do you ever look back and say the ‘good old days?

Yes, remembering when there was no pandemic and living a quieter life. Enjoyed our kids’ company and looking after them.

What is your hope for the future?

To live a peaceful life.

Do you think that wisdom automatically comes with old age?

No. A lot of younger people have wisdom. Depends on your upbringing.

What makes you mad about the world today, and can we change it?

Selfishness, I am not sure how to change it. There is not enough love shown to people or each other.

What is the one thing you would tell the Prime Minister to do for older people?

Nothing specific. He doesn’t have an easy job. Unless you do a job as PM you don’t know what it entails.

Some people say that old people are a burden to society. What would you say to them?

You’ve never been there so you don’t know what it is like! Not everybody says that, thank goodness.