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Industry leaders by 2020

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Industry leaders by 2020

OCAV has been stepping up its ambitious plan of becoming an industry leader by 2020. This year CEO Phillip Wohlers has met with major industry groups, including the Property Council of Australia and the Urban Development Institute of Australia, to spell out OCAV’s legacy and plans for older Victorians in need.

April 19, 2017

OCAV has been stepping up its ambitious plan of becoming an industry leader by 2020.

This year CEO Phillip Wohlers has met with major industry groups, including the Property Council of Australia and the Urban Development Institute of Australia, to spell out OCAV’s legacy and plans for older Victorians in need.


High on the agenda is the need for more age-friendly communities across Victoria to meet demand from ageing Victorians requiring affordable housing and care options.


“What is clear is that the OCAV model is well ahead of its time, and one which resonates with the many different people we are meeting. Our approach to housing for older people to access when they require it is based on social responsibility,” Mr Wohlers said.


OCAV is one of few Victorian organisations, which offer seamless care from independent living through to aged care. With a waiting list of 1,000 people – and growing, OCAV is well underway with its plans to offer more housing through its Leith Park and Rushall Park expansions.


Of interest to the many industry groups is OCAV’s high percentage of independent living accommodation. OCAV is offering a different perspective to the Federal Government’s current ‘age in place,’ campaign.


“OCAV was founded on the concept of neighbourliness, creating a community for older people but not isolating them from the outside world. We know from many of our independent living residents that before they moved into an OCAV village, they felt separated from the world,” Mr Wohlers said.


“Here they have the benefit of living in their own home but have a community around them and an environment which actively encourages them to remain independent and involved in the community,” he added.


OCAV is aware of the growing need for more aged care services. According to a KPMG report, Australia will need approximately 76,000 new aged care places in the next 10 years at an estimated cost of $33 billion.

“While this is true, there is also growing need for more places like OCAV villages that allow a person access to different care and housing options when and if they need it,” Mr Wohlers said.

Research by the Retirement Living Council found that people who live in age-friendly housing, like retirement villages, require fewer GP and hospital visits, and delay demand for aged care by over six years. This saves the government $2.16bn in healthcare costs. Importantly, people who live in socially-connected, age-friendly housing report feeling happier, they also have a greater capacity to self-fund aged care.

In its many submissions to federal and state governments, OCAV has been calling for a specific housing agenda for older people. It also supports the Property Council of Australia’s concept of precinct zoning which focuses on ageing in neighbourhood.


Caption: OCAV acknowledges for use of this image.