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It’s Time to Care about Aged Care

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It’s Time to Care about Aged Care

We need your help. Over the past two decades, successive governments have failed to act on more than 20 independent reports signalling the need for major reform in aged care.

February 24, 2021

It’s Time to Care about Aged Care

We need your help. Over the past two decades, successive governments have failed to act on more than 20 independent reports signalling the need for major reform in aged care.

We cannot allow this to continue.

OCAV has joined the call to demand that long overdue reforms follow the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

A new campaign ‘It’s Time to Care About Aged Care’ from the newly formed Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) alliance, of 1000 providers (including OCAV), seeks to encourage the national Parliament to address the sector’s many challenges. Download the full report.

We all deserve to age in comfort and with dignity, wherever we live. Yet that right is being denied to some 1.3 million Australians who rely on our aged care system.

Over a generation, the needs and expectations of our ageing parents and grandparents – and those who care for them – have exceeded the resources made available to them.

As a country, we are failing our older citizens.

OCAV, and others, say it is time for change. It’s time to fight for a world-class, rights-based aged care system that meets the needs of older Australians now and into the future.Please join OCAV and show your support for the campaign and sign the petition calling on your local federal Member of Parliament to take action. The link is here:

Many thanks for your support.

Please share this with others who care about aged care.