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Joy of Christmas never dims

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Joy of Christmas never dims

Joan Barnett and Joan Chadzynski remembered Christmases past as they lovingly created a Christmas decoration to hang on the Government House Christmas tree this year. The decoration was made at the invitation of the Governor of Victoria, The Hon Linda Dessau AC, who is also patron of OCAV.

December 6, 2017

Joan Barnett and Joan Chadzynski remembered Christmases past as they lovingly created a Christmas decoration to hang on the Government House Christmas tree this year. The decoration was made at the invitation of the Governor of Victoria, The Hon Linda Dessau AC, who is also patron of OCAV.


Governor Dessau invited all patronage organisations to make an ornament that best represents their organisation. OCAV’s decoration was made by Joan Barnett and Joan Chadzynski, residents at Liscombe House, OCAV’s aged care facility. Mandy Williamson, Liscombe House’s Lifestyle Coordinator, designed the decoration.


Mandy designed a Christmas tree because there are so many beautiful trees in and around OCAV’s four villages. She also went for the tree design because it was a traditional decoration familiar to, and loved by, so many of the residents. The three dimensional decoration also features the names of the four OCAV parks – Rushall, Currie, Braeside and Leith and Liscombe House.


“I also chose a tree because the OCAV logo features the tree of life and that’s what we try and capture every day in our work. We try and support people to live their lives in the fullest possible way,” Mandy said. “And that is different for everyone, depending on their stage of life.”


The two makers are part of Liscombe House’s fortnightly craft group and welcomed the opportunity to kick off a bit of Christmas fever. They are both proud that the OCAV decoration will be hanging on the tree at Government House.


“It’s a privilege to do this, an honour for Liscombe House to be invited to do the decoration,” Joan Barnett said.


Joan Chadzynski is proud of their craft work and hopes it gives joy to those who get to see the tree. Representatives of OCAV will get that opportunity when all decorations will be officially presented at a function at Government House this month.


Christmas is a time of great celebration at Liscombe House with the whole place decorated and entertainment provided for residents. For Joan Barnett Christmas time will always be about family getting together to decorate the tree.


Joan Chadzynski recalls it as a “time of family unity and time of sharing. The start of Christmas and its true meaning”.