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Lorraine's travelled around the country and back to Berwick

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Lorraine's travelled around the country and back to Berwick

Lorraine Foster has lived all over Australia, but has ended up at Braeside Park, a stone’s throw from her first family home at Berwick. She moved into the OCAV village 18 months ago and hopes it will be her last move.

June 9, 2019

Lorraine Foster has lived all over Australia, but has ended up at Braeside Park, a stone’s throw from her first family home at Berwick. She moved into the OCAV village 18 months ago and hopes it will be her last move.

Lorraine and her husband, Brian, built their first home in Berwick more than 55 years ago. The couple moved around Australia with Brian’s building work and then retired to Charlton, a country town between Melbourne and Mildura. They had renovated their Federation style home and become a big part of the rural community before Brian’s death 23 years ago.

After Charlton Lorraine moved to a few places, renting units before finding Braeside Park in Berwick where her son and his family live.

“The funny thing is that I saw this place being built in the 1970s, but I never knew what it was. My daughter-in-law, Shelley, found this because I wanted secure housing that I wouldn’t have to leave if the owner decided to sell,” Lorraine said.

“When I was shown this cottage, I just cried. I couldn’t believe I could be so lucky to get this lovely place that had been renovated. My special belongings fit in it and I love it,” Lorraine said.

Much of Lorraine’s spare time has been spent volunteering at various organisation including the Lions Club. She moved to Braeside Park thinking that stage of her life was behind her – but OCAV’s 150thcelebrations later this year ‘got her in’. Lorraine has also roped in a friend and the two will be organising and serving the afternoon tea at the Braeside Park Open Day on October 12. They expect up to 250 visitors.

“I have done so many of these things at Lions Club events over the decades, it is no trouble at all and it means I can help out the people who have made me so welcome.”

Lorraine, 75, felt the full force of Braeside Park care when she became unwell on ANZAC Day last year. For several days afterwards someone would drop in to see if she was okay and if she needed anything. It made her feel part of the community and secure in the knowledge that help was one minute away if she needed it.

She participates in most events that are held in the village and goes to Monday’s chat ‘n chew sessions and the regular happy hours. Her life outside the village is still busy with family, her school friend who lives nearby and her old neighbor from that first Berwick house.

Lorraine’s is also proud to be showing off her cottage at the Open Day and hopes it will give people an insight into the way the village is maintained and what is in store for them if they decide to join the village community. When she moved in the cottage’s bathroom had been completely renovated to include all safety measures, the place was newly painted and light switches and ceiling fans had all been replaced. Since then she has made an impact on the garden area in her small front and back yard, which she loves.

“I loved my home at Charlton and I was sad to sell it and leave. But I love my new home, I really do, and its great to be back close to family and friends. Security is the thing I really treasure about living here.”