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Lynn discovers a love of writing during lockdown

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Lynn discovers a love of writing during lockdown

It takes a crisis to unlock opportunity, as the Chinese saying goes. For Lynn Edwards, it was the public health crisis of COVID-19 that helped her discover a love of writing.

November 15, 2021

It takes a crisis to unlock opportunity, as the Chinese saying goes. For Lynn Edwards, it was the public health crisis of COVID-19 that helped her discover a love of writing.

The Leith Park resident was inspired to start writing after her eldest son asked her to write down what she remembered about her childhood in Panton Hill.

“What began as a keeping in touch exercise with friends and family by email soon expanded into much more. It has been wonderful receiving happy answers and 'rememberings' from others who dug back into their memories and shared them with me,” Lynn said.

Lynn and her husband Graham moved to Leith Park two years ago and so far, have spent most of it in lockdown.

They came from Diamond Creek, where they had lived for eleven years. Before that they had spent 22 years at Panton Hill on 20 acres, where they renovated two old farmhouses.

“We always had Leith Park as our 'final resting place' as Graham had worked here part time in the 70s, while in the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, and liked what he saw.”

Lynn originally trained as a Mothercraft Nurse at the Methodist Babies Home, Toorak, in the Sixties. After having her own children, she returned to childcare for the next thirty years, mostly caring for infants and toddlers of other childcare owners.

“Eventually I bought and ran my own centre at Diamond Creek, it was refreshing to run the business myself,” she said.

Lynn sold the business to enjoy an early retirement with Graham.

“Not that we were retired for long, we had plenty to keep us occupied, including making good use of a new vehicle and caravan. We were on the road within three weeks and travelled around Australia for eight months.”

The travel bug persists, and Lynn is looking forward to fresh adventures around Australia and overseas once lockdown lifts.

She is also looking forward to returning to volunteer at the Austin Op Shop in Diamond Creek.

In the meantime, she is enjoying gardening and the wonderful gardens in Leith Park. She also loves the chance encounter with other residents walking or gardening nearby.

“We have just bought some tree ferns to put into a cool corner near our apartment in the Banksia block and, and along with our neighbours, are having fun watching them unfurl,” Lynn said.

“The sense of community is strong here and I cannot wait to be part of it.”