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Matt's commitment to Currie Park is a family affair

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Matt's commitment to Currie Park is a family affair

Matt Mol’s commitment to Currie Park in Euroa is a bit of a family affair. As President of the Euroa Apex Club, Matt was more than happy to volunteer the members’ time to do some improvements to the village’s decking. But he also has a soft spot for Currie Park, where his grandmother, Antonia Mol, lived for a few years before she passed away.

May 18, 2019

National Volunteer Week 2019

Matt Mol’s commitment to Currie Park in Euroa is a bit of a family affair. As President of the Euroa Apex Club, Matt was more than happy to volunteer the members’ time to do some improvements to the village’s decking. But he also has a soft spot for Currie Park, where his grandmother, Antonia Mol, lived for a few years before she passed away.

Matt, 25, and eight other Apexians recently prepared and then stained the village decking as part of their community service. He said the members were happy to return to the village if more help was needed. As well as Currie Park, the men aged between 18 and 50 years, provide voluntary support for a range of community organisations, including the maintenance of the Apex round-the-town walking track, which he hopes Currie Park residents will use.

“Our club is committed to working for the community, by raising funds or doing the in-kind work,” Matt said.

For the past two years the service club, made up of 12 active members, has run a rodeo and this year raised $20,000 that will be distributed to the community and club projects.

Matt, a mechanic, said the Apex Club’s community work benefits many people at some stage in their lives, from purchasing carpet at the local kindergarten to the purchase of a special chair used for bathing residents at the local hospital.

Volunteering is in Matt’s DNA and the Apex Club he now leads was where his father, Bill, volunteered for many years before moving onto the Euroa Lions Club. Four current members are, like Matt, following in their fathers’ footsteps.

“We were happy to do the voluntary work at Currie Park because it was a service to the community. But I was glad to be able to help out there because of my Nan.”