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Mona to bury time capsule at village party

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Mona to bury time capsule at village party

Mona Burke-Kennedy can’t imagine that her story will interest anyone much. She’s wrong. Years down the track when the Braeside Park time capsule is opened people will get a glimpse of the amazing world community that makes up OCAV’s four villages.

October 4, 2019

Mona Burke-Kennedy can’t imagine that her story will interest anyone much. She’s wrong. Years down the track when the Braeside Park time capsule is opened people will get a glimpse of the amazing world community that makes up OCAV’s four villages.

The capsule will be buried at OCAV’s Berwick village on Saturday October 12 as part of OCAV’s 150thanniversary celebrations. Mona, one of Braeside Park’s long-time residents, has been asked to bury the capsule, which contains snapshots of the lives of its many residents.

“I thought of writing about life here at the village, but I’m afraid I don’t remember too many details anymore. So I have written about the life that brought me here 23 years ago,” Mona said.

Mona arrived at Braeside Park village after a lifetime of adventures that began when she bid Scotland farewell and sailed to Australia onboard the Orion. “It was a long trip, about eight weeks, but it was such fun and we had a ball on that ship.”

After landing in Melbourne, Mona, a trained nurse, headed to Bairnsdale Hospital to work and then to Omeo. It was here she met her farmer husband and had four children.

She’s confident the time capsule will give people a glimpse of the Braeside Park life, which she is glad to be a part of. She moved into an independent unit 23 years ago and last year, after cancer surgery, she moved to an assisted living apartment for more support.

Mona’s apartment will also be open to visitors during the 150th celebrations on Saturday October 12 between 1 and 3.30pm. Book a tour of her apartment or of an independent unit here.

“I have a lovely apartment looking out the window at the crepe myrtles. And we are well served here with all the amenities,” Mona said.

The 150th open day at Braeside Park will also feature music from the Astor Swing Band, plant and homemade jam stalls, traditional afternoon tea, and an exhibition of the history of OCAV.

The time capsule will be buried during the opening ceremony.