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OCAV congratulates new Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians

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OCAV congratulates new Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians

OCAV has congratulated Senator Richard Colbeck on his appointment as Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians but has also cautioned the Morrison Government to focus on fixing funding so that providers are better able to meet the growing costs of delivering high quality care

June 9, 2019

OCAV has congratulated Senator Richard Colbeck on his appointment as Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians but has also cautioned the Morrison Government to focus on fixing funding so that providers are better able to meet the growing costs of delivering high quality care.

“We welcome Minister Colbeck to the position at a time when all eyes are on the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and the many recommendations which will emerge,” CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

In its election platform, OCAV called on the Federal Government to develop a comprehensive national ageing well strategy, fix funding, and invest in workforce growth and development.

“These are all priorities if we are to meet the changing needs and demands of an ageing population."

OCAV has also congratulated elected members of each village. These are Hon Jason Wood, La Trobe (Braeside Park), the Hon Adam Bandt, Melbourne (Rushall Park), the Hon Damian Drum, Nicholls (Currie Park) and newly elected Hon Kate Thwaites, Jagajaga (Leith Park).

Image: Liberal Party of Australia