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OCAV homes made safer

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OCAV homes made safer

A range of safety measures will be implemented across OCAV’s four villages in coming months to improve the security of residents as part of a Home Safe project.

June 9, 2019

A range of safety measures will be implemented across OCAV’s four villages in coming months to improve the security of residents as part of a Home Safe project.

The project, funded by The John William Fleming Trust through the 2018 Impact Philanthropy Application Program, will include the installation of security cameras, upgraded village lighting and signage.

The security cameras will monitor the village’s entrance and exits and will be integrated with the state of the art systems installed in new developments at Leith Park and Rushall Park, which will provide an additional 81 independent units.

OCAV’s property manager Damian Pennington said the lighting in all villages will be upgraded to LED lighting which was longer-lasting, environmentally friendly and lower cost. The upgraded lighting means residents returning home after dark will be welcomed by safer entry points.

Signage at the villages will alert people to the existence of the security cameras, which Damian is confident, will deter any unwelcome intruders.

“The security cameras will not be an imposition on residents and will not be near the kitchens or community areas, but hopefully will make residents and staff even more secure in our villages. We have had some incidents of theft and we want to try and deter would be thieves and intruders,” Damian said.

“Across the villages we have had purses stolen, windows lifted by would be intruders and residents have asked us to implement these security measures.”

A 2004 report (Commonwealth of Australia 2004, Inquiry into crime in the community), found that older people are the most fearful group in the community of becoming victims of crime. They have an increased sense of vulnerability and many worry that violent attacks will leave them with long-lasting injuries.

The report also found that women everywhere tend to be more fearful of crime, especially older women and at the moment 80% of OCAV’s residents are women.

By embarking on the $26,500 Home Safe project OCAV will ensure that it manages resident perceptions of crime and promotes the positive benefits of the security installations rather than escalating their fears.

“Many people move into our retirement villages because they want security and safety. Our aim with these improved security measures is toimprove feelings of safety and wellbeing for our elderly residents, enabling them to maintain their independence and autonomy, without fear,” Damian said.