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OCAV joins industry think tank on aged care reform in retirement living

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OCAV joins industry think tank on aged care reform in retirement living

OCAV is one of several aged care provider taking part in a Roadmap to Reform campaign to effect change in aged care.

June 11, 2021

OCAV is one of several aged care provider taking part in a Roadmap to Reform campaign to effect change in aged care.

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety final report contained many recommendations to improve and change the current aged care system in Australia. The Federal Government has responded with a $17.7 billion commitment in the most recent budget.

OCAV’s expertise and experience in retirement living is being sought by Leading Age Services Australia. The first phase of the campaign is a panel discussion to reflect on how the sector and community can create and implement a system that is sustainable, effective, compassionate, accessible, consumer-centered and fit-for-purpose.

Phillip Wohlers, CEO of OCAV, said discussion around the future of aged care was important in order to get the best possible reform.

“The Royal Commission’s findings are wide-ranging and far reaching including how best to improve home care, the opportunities for retirement living and aged care,” he said.

He welcomed the finding to develop a new Aged Care Act, which would promote a human rights approach and provide protection for older people who need aged care.

“The Act has the potential to transform the sector and for how older Australians live and are supported in the 21st century,” he said.

The new Act is due to start from 1 July 2023, subject to parliamentary processes. Drafting of the Act has already commenced with the establishment of a taskforce and will be informed by consultation with senior Australians and other stakeholders, including members of the new Council of Elders and National Aged Care Advisory Council.

It will establish provisions for eligibility for care, funding arrangements and regulatory powers and support greater choice and control for senior Australians over the care and services they receive.

“OCAV is especially pleased to note that the new Act will include grant programs which can be tailored to particular needs in the aged care sector, including research to drive innovation and programs. We have long called for this,” Mr Wohlers said.

Other reforms that have been recommended including new support at home program and a residential care category which will be designed to better target services to eligible senior Australians.