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OCAV launches Christmas appeal

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OCAV launches Christmas appeal

OCAV has launched a Christmas Appeal in a bid to continue the wellbeing program, which is running out of funding. The wellbeing program, which received a one-off start-up grant, offers a range of ‘services’ including pet therapy, music and art, to residents at Liscombe House, OCAV’s aged care facility.

December 16, 2018

OCAV has launched a Christmas Appeal in a bid to continue the wellbeing program, which is running out of funding.

The wellbeing program, which received a one-off start-up grant, offers a range of ‘services’ including pet therapy, music and art, to residents at Liscombe House, OCAV’s aged care facility.

OCAV’s CEO Phillip Wohlers said the wellbeing program would have to close in 2019 unless the appeal raised enough money.


He said the program had proved a great success within weeks of starting.

“I’ve seen people who haven’t picked up a brush in years, discover a renewed sense of purpose as they set about painting. And there’s nothing quite like a room full of people crooning to a familiar old tune when the music therapy sessions are in full swing,” Phillip said.

“I’ve seen with my own eyes the joy and comfort it brings to our residents, and I just can’t see how we could ever do without it.”

Mr Wohlers said he was amazed at the success and popularity of pet therapy, one of the wellbeing activities.

“A little while ago I looked in on pet therapy. Residents were spending time with guinea pigs, cuddling and feeding them. Joan, one of the Liscombe House residents explained to me that it is a really special feeling to know something so small is depending on you to keep it safe. As she cuddled the guinea pig, I saw Joan smile. She looked so relaxed. She was thoroughly enjoying the moment and would have liked it to go on for ever,” Phillip said.

Joan (pictured with diversional therapist Adrian Onofrio) agreed: “The enjoyment it gives everyone, whether animals, music or art is really something. It reaches inside and touches me like nothing else - it gives me the warm fuzzies!”

If you would like to help keep the wellbeing program running please make a generous Christmas gift today of $25, $75, or even $300.

“When I’ve sat in on music, art or pet therapy sessions, what’s struck me most is that having a place to live in old age is important - critical of course – but there are other essential ingredients to having a good quality of life. As a humble person, Joan describes the program as “the icing on the cake”. I’d like to make it more than that. I’d like it to become a staple feature in Joan’s life and the lives of others like her at OCAV in the coming year,” Phillip said.

Here’s a list of things needed for the program and how your generous support could help.
· $25 could purchase two bottles of paint for an art activity.
· $45 could buy a rain stick or the singing bowls that we use in Music Therapy.
· $75 could help us buy an easel for Art Therapy.
· $300 could cover the costs of caring for bunnies and guinea pigs for a month.
· $500 could provide an hour’s animal farm, reptile or zoo encounter for up to 25 residents.
· $1,000 could cover the cost of three pony visits, for up to 75 people.

Donate today

Vale: Joan, a great advocate of the program, died after we had launched the appeal.

Caption: Joan pictured with Liscombe House diversional therapist Adrian Onofrio during a pet therapy session.