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OCAV residents say yes to Coppin as station name

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OCAV residents say yes to Coppin as station name

OCAV residents are voting in force to have George Coppin Station as one of the Metro Tunnel’s new underground rail stations.The Victorian Government have asked Victorians to take part in the once-in-a-generation opportunity to make their mark on Melbourne by naming the stations.

October 11, 2017

OCAV residents are voting in force to have George Coppin Station as one of the Metro Tunnel’s new underground rail stations.


The Victorian Government have asked Victorians to take part in the once-in-a-generation opportunity to make their mark on Melbourne by naming the stations.

George Selth Coppin (1819–1906) was one of the founders of the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria, and the “Founders’ Cottage” at Rushall Park was donated and built by Coppin. He was also a leading figure in Victoria as comedian, theatrical manager, politician, bank director and philanthropist.

Phillip Wohlers, CEO, said: “The name Coppin immediately came to my mind, and it would appear many of our residents who want the State to recognise his contribution to the early days of Victoria, and to older Victorians in need.”


Mr Wohlers said that Coppin’s aim in founding the Old Colonists’ Association was not simply to found a social club for prosperous old Colonists to meet one another in comfortable surroundings and exchange success stories, but to assist those pioneers, including actors and musicians, who had been unable to provide for their old age by providing accommodation for them.


“His own precarious existence in the theatre may have made him sympathetic to those experiencing financial hardship,” Mr Wohlers said.


OCAV is hoping that other Victorians will join its campaign to have one of the stations named George Coppin Station, and preferably one in the CBD closest to Parliament House.


Submissions close Sunday 22 October 2017.

Submissions are to go to: