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OCAV to work with Government

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OCAV to work with Government

OCAV congratulates Daniel Andrews’ Victorian Government on its emphatic victory in the recent state election, and looks forward to working closely with the Government to ensure positive outcomes for older Victorians

December 16, 2018

OCAV congratulates Daniel Andrews’ Victorian Government on its emphatic victory in the recent state election, and looks forward to working closely with the Government to ensure positive outcomes for older Victorians.

“The resounding election victory on Saturday shows that Victoria welcomes increased investments into vital community services such as mental health and social housing, among others,” CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

In its recent election platform spanning affordable housing for older people, public transport, the digital divide, NDIS and other health funding, OCAV identified some of its key priorities for the next Victorian Government including:
· Develop, fund and implement a strategy for older Victorians across all government portfolios including identifying current gaps and priorities for employment, healthy ageing, addressing prevention and response to elder abuse, carer recognition and support, access to services and affordable, safe and fair housing;
· Partnering with and invest in OCAV to create additional age and dementia friendly villages;
· Put in place funding so that universal design principles are adopted to increase housing that meets accessibility standards; to support the National Construction Code and to ensure all new homes are age and disability friendly;
· Increase funding for the Living Longer Living Stronger program to ensure healthy ageing;
· Confirm NDIS funding arrangements after 1 July, 2019 and provide clear information about where older Victorians with disability can access assistive technology services.

“These recommendations have been developed in consultation with our residents, staff and volunteers who daily witness the impact the lack of effective policies at all government levels on older people,” Mr Wohlers said.

“All Victorians deserve the chance to flourish and we look forward to working alongside Government to support this vision.”

OCAV will scrutinise the policies announced in the lead up to the election, and use these to inform our budget recommendations for the re-elected Victorian Government.

Our election platform can be found here: