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Please donate to our Winter appeal

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Please donate to our Winter appeal

OCAV has always been a champion for all its residents. Dialysis patient Peter Stock, who died at Liscombe House earlier this year, best illustrates the extraordinary lengths our staff will go to make it possible for one of our residents to 'stay home' no matter how serious their illness. We need your support to continue this work.

June 21, 2017

OCAV has always been a champion for all its residents. Dialysis patient Peter Stock, who died at Liscombe House earlier this year, best illustrates the extraordinary lengths our staff will go to make it possible for one of our residents to 'stay home' no matter how serious their illness. We need your support to continue this work.

In this letter to residents, families and supporters, our CEO Phillip Wohlers, outlines the importance of our Winter appeal.

Please read this Winter appeal letter.

Please donate today.