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Proposal to alter aged care legislation needs more discussion

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Proposal to alter aged care legislation needs more discussion

OCAV has called for more consultation to occur around existing laws safeguarding and protecting older people from elder abuse.

April 19, 2017

OCAV has called for more consultation to occur around existing laws safeguarding and protecting older people from elder abuse.

In its submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission, OCAV has highlighted its concerns around extending powers of investigation to public advocates and guardians and establishing a reportable incidents system.

Phillip Wohlers, CEO, said that more consultation was needed about the definition of care and support needs and how public advocates or guardians were to be funded.

“We have many questions including, should care and support include physical restraint but exclude other restrictive practices,” he said.

OCAV also wants more discussion about the concept of establishing a reportable incidents scheme, which would require approved providers to notify reportable incidents to the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner.

“The discussion paper does not say who providers are to report to and about what, two important issues if we are to tackle the issue of elder abuse effectively,” said Mr Wohlers.
OCAV has welcomed proposals for a national plan to address elder abuse and for a prevalence study to be funded.

“We have to improve the systems and responses to elder abuse, we have to promote respectful intergenerational relationships and improve the evidence base. All these issues will be addressed through the national plan,” said Mr Wohlers.

Read OCAV's submission.