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Razia joins the call for climate action

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Razia joins the call for climate action

Razia Ross can hear the groundswell of concern about climate change all around the world, including at OCAV’s Rushall Park village. She and a few other residents recently joined thousands of people, including school students, in the Climate Strike in March.

April 9, 2019

Razia Ross can hear the groundswell of concern about climate change all around the world, including at OCAV’s Rushall Park village. She and a few other residents recently joined thousands of people, including school students, in the Climate Strike on March 15. It is reported that more than 150,000 Australians, across dozens of locations, joined the march calling for government action on climate change.

Razia went along, armed with her placard, to show her concern about climate change, but also to be in solidarity with the students.

“I have been in a lot of marches over the years, but this was the biggest one I have seen. I think the young people who are so passionate about the environment are wonderful. I believe people everywhere are becoming very concerned about climate change,” Razia said. She was impressed with the quality of the speakers and the information they wanted to share.

Razia is confident the marching will translate into practical ways of protecting the environment. She is considering running an information afternoon at Rushall Park and inviting well-informed speakers to talk to residents about way of protecting the environment in their day-to-day lives.

Rushall Park has a long history in innovation when it comes to environmental issues such as recycling. In 1946Richard H T Weller, the then Secretary/Superintendent of the Old Colonists’ at Rushall Park, built 12 brick and timber bins for composting. He encouraged composting as an alterative to burning waste.

More recent evidence would suggest that Rushall Park’s residents are still committed to minimising their waste and its impact on the environment. Head gardener Marika Pedrioli surveyed a third of the village’s residents (including the village kitchen) last year and found that the food waste produced was less than 2kg per person per week. She believes the residents eat what they purchase or are careful about freezing what they don’t eat.

Razia participated in the survey and said she believes the villagers are open to doing more to reduce their footprint.

“At the rally with so many young people I had a sense of gratitude that they are getting involved in this issue and that they will keep it going after us,” Razia said.