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Sandra puts on walking shoes for ‘Ks for Fred’

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Sandra puts on walking shoes for ‘Ks for Fred’

If anyone knows what it is like to have sight problems, it is Currie Park resident Sandra Cumming. Not that it gets her down. It’s quite the reverse.

November 8, 2021

If anyone knows what it is like to have sight problems, it is Currie Park resident Sandra Cumming. Not that it gets her down. It’s quite the reverse.

This past year, Sandra has been stepping out with her carer Carina Greasley and her canine friend Toby to raise funds for the Fred Hollows Foundation.

The Foundation is an international development organisation with a clear purpose: to make sure everyone, rich or poor, has access to high quality, affordable eye health care.

Sandra suffers from sight problems caused by cataracts.

“I know what it is like to have sight issues and I was determined to do my bit to help end cataract blindness for others,” Sandra said.

Sandra logged the distances she walked with the aid of her mobility walker and the encouragement and support of Carina who assists her to live independently at Currie Park. She was joined Toby the pug who, when tired, hitched a ride back on Sandra’s stroller.

“When you walk with a dog, your walk becomes an instant pleasure. You make friends with others along the way, you meet people you haven’t seen for a while, and have fun along the way.”

Sandra, aged 81, spent the first 73 years of her life in Alexandra before moving to Currie Park eight years ago.

“I wish I had moved earlier. I love the village, and Euroa is my type of place,” Sandra said.

She says life in Currie Park is social, and the sense of community is second to none.

“We do things together, nobody is left out, everyone feels safe and secure.”