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Submission to the Review of the Retirement Villages Act

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Submission to the Review of the Retirement Villages Act

The Review of the Retirement Villages Act is timely given the current nationwide focus on older people and aged care and the start of the UN International Decade of Healthy Ageing. Retirement villages certainly have an important part to play in assisting older people to age well, healthily and can be a great contributor to quality of life.

April 14, 2021

The Review of the Retirement Villages Act is timely given the current nationwide focus on older people and aged care and the start of the UN International Decade of Healthy Ageing. Retirement villages certainly have an important part to play in assisting older people to age well, healthily and can be a great contributor to quality of life.

Our response to the Retirement Villages Act highlights an important differentiation between OCAV and other retirement villages, both for profit and for purpose. Coppin was particularly concerned that poorer colonists were provided with housing. Our mission continues his vision of providing housing and appropriate support (a variation on Housing First) to older Victorians in need.

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