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Survey gives residents a say

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Survey gives residents a say

Survey results across OCAV’s four villages reveals residents’ level of satisfaction exceeds the national benchmark. The survey, by MOA Benchmarking covered more than 30 topics focusing on satisfaction with the OCAV villages, accommodation, activities, services and facilities, management processes and staff.

August 17, 2016

Survey results across OCAV’s four villages reveals residents’ level of satisfaction exceeds the national benchmark. The survey, by MOA Benchmarking covered more than 30 topics focusing on satisfaction with the OCAV villages, accommodation, activities, services and facilities, management processes and staff.


While the survey revealed high levels of satisfaction, residents also commented on issues they considered need attention. OCAV’s CEO Phillip Wohlers said the survey was a valuable tool because it showed what was working. Importantly, it also highlights problems that residents are experiencing.


“These surveys help us better understand what things about the villages could be improved. We are striving for best practice and excellent facilities and these survey results help in that pursuit,” Phillip said.


“We of course comply with legislation and industry standards, but we want to do more than that; we want to nurture an environment, which will improve the health and well being outcomes for our residents.”


While there were many questions and varied responses some of the findings include:


Village life

Residents were asked if they were generally happy living in the retirement village.


At Leith Park and Currie Park 100% of residents strongly agreed or agreed with this, which is above the national benchmark. At Rushall Park the figure was 90% with a similar response at Braeside Park on 89%.


The residents’ feeling of being a ‘part of the retirement village community’ supported this view with between 90% and 100% of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing.


Residents across the four villages love the environments they live in, particularly the gardens, and there is a recognition in the survey comments that garden and maintenance staff work hard to maintain the facilities. However, there was a view amongst some residents at Rushall Park and Braeside Park that more space is needed in their units. Décor is also an issue for some people with only Rushall Park (82%) and Currie Park (83%) agreeing or strongly agreeing it met their standards.


However, what was very clear was the sense of safety and security people feel in their unit and within their village with 100% of residents in all four villages agreeing and strongly agreeing that they feel safe. This was above the national benchmark.


In the optional survey comments this sense of security clearly includes the continuity of care possibilities for OCAV residents. Some residents commented on the importance of knowing there was somewhere for their husband/or wife to go when they became ill, as well as knowing they too could use Liscombe House one day.



Importantly, the questions relating to staff indicated the residents feel respected. Across the four villages 100% of respondents believe the staff are happy, polite to them and prepared to listen to them.


Mr Wohlers said the results would be studied in detail and discussed with Residents’ Committees at each village. This feedback is essential to OCAV’s continuous improvement program.