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Television identity Bert Newton helps promote the Old Colonists’ Rest Home Appeal

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Television identity Bert Newton helps promote the Old Colonists’ Rest Home Appeal

Australian television identity Bert Newton has helped many organisations raise money over the years, including the Old Colonists’ when he was a younger and more agile man.

April 27, 2019

Australian television identity Bert Newton has helped many organisations raise money over the years, including the Old Colonists’ when he was a younger and more agile man.

In 1960 The Northern Suburbs Go Kart Club organised a go-kart race at Fishermen’s Bend airstrip as part of a Rest Home Appeal. The appeal target was 50,000 pounds.

The race was on Sunday 31 July 1960, but in the days leading up to the race, The Age newspaper photographed Bert and Joff Allen out the front of a Fripp Avenue cottage, to promote the event. The pair were poised to race their go-karts around the village for the camera.

These were the halcyon days for Newton who was becoming a household name through his involvement in The Bert Newton Show and Graham Kennedy’s Channel 9 Show.

Image from The Age newspaper