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Ten-year Victorian strategy for affordable housing – we want your views

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Ten-year Victorian strategy for affordable housing – we want your views

Every Victorian deserves a safe and secure home. However, housing affordability presents challenges particularly for older women many of whom have long been priced out of the market, face precarious housing and experience financial hardship.

February 24, 2021

Every Victorian deserves a safe and secure home. However, housing affordability presents challenges particularly for older women many of whom have long been priced out of the market, face precarious housing and experience financial hardship.

The Victorian Government is currently seeking input into its strategy to bolster affordable and social housing.

Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria will be submitting to the strategy and is inviting our residents and supporters to put forward their views so they can be included in the submission.

Evon Ingleby, Residents’ Coordinator for Rushall Park and Braeside Park, said that she continually heard hardship stories from people wanting to go onto the wait list.

“Some face homelessness due to a lack of safe, secure and affordable rental accommodation. Others are forced to make significant decisions because their current housing is challenging their social and economic situations,” Evon said.

She and her colleague, Karen Ernest, who manages Currie Park and Leith Park, know too well the impact that the lack of affordable housing has had on would-be residents.

“There is a lack of age-friendly affordable housing in Victoria, which is aggravated by limited stock close to shops, medical and other services, and public transport,” Karen said.

“It is one thing to find a house, it is quite another for it to be close to what older people rely on.”

OCAV will call for a fundamental shift in policy and delivery which is needed to embed growth and sustainability of affordable housing in Victoria.

The organisation is calling for suggestions it can include in its submission, such as:

  • What services or housing supports do you think people seeking and living in affordable housing need to help find and then keep a home, and specifically older people?
  • What do you think are the most important features of affordable housing? e.g. price, location, security of tenure, access to transport or daily amenities, connection to support services etc.
  • What do you think could help strengthen connections between local communities and affordable housing communities?
  • What does Victoria need to do to make sure affordable housing better meet the health and wellbeing needs of residents?
  • What does Victoria need to do to ensure affordable housing meets the needs of people with specific support and housing needs?
  • Retirement villages rarely offer affordable housing, what can the government do to support organisations such as OCAV?
  • Who do you think Victoria should partner with to help achieve our social and affordable housing vision?

Please send your responses to Penny Underwood at by 20 March so that she can collate answers and submit by 9 April 2021.