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Thank you to our volunteers

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Thank you to our volunteers

Today is the start of National Volunteer Week in Australia, and OCAV like many other organisations across the nation will be holding celebrations to thank its volunteers for ‘making a difference.’

May 18, 2019

Today is the start of Volunteers’ Week in Australia, and OCAV like many other organisations across the nation will be holding celebrations to thank its volunteers for ‘making a difference.’

This year, the theme is Making a Difference. And every volunteer does. In six million ways across Australia.

Within our own community, we have 190 volunteers working across all OCAV villages in numerous ways. We have residents who volunteer for other residents, driving them to appointments, picking up shopping, and generally make life easier for their neighbours who may need a little bit of support. Our residents, too, volunteer within the broader community, working in book shops, op shops, churches and charities such as Lions and Probus.

We also enjoy our ‘external’ volunteers, people living locally who come in to lend a hand with IT, writing resident stories, bringing in their pets and babies, reading and talking with our residents who don’t have family.

Each volunteer is such an important part of the OCAV community, bringing with them a wealth of experience and, crucially, a passion for being with older people and wanting to make a difference in their lives.

This week we will, on our Facebook and Twitter pages, post a story every day featuring our volunteers. You will see how varied their lives have been and the deep connection they have with our community.

I always look forward to Volunteers Week as it is a great opportunity to recognise and show our gratitude to our volunteers. You are a vital part of our work, and you do make an enormous difference.

Phillip Wohlers
Chief Executive Officer