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Tick of approval for Liscombe House

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Tick of approval for Liscombe House

Liscombe House, OCAV’s aged care facility, has been given the tick of approval by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency, and been re-accredited for a further three years. The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency undertakes regular spot checks and unannounced support visits on aged care facilities across the country in a bid to identify problem areas and improve standards.

September 30, 2018

Liscombe House, OCAV’s aged care facility, has been given the tick of approval by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency, and been re-accredited for a further three years.

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency undertakes regular spot checks and unannounced support visits on aged care facilities across the country in a bid to identify problem areas and improve standards.

“The latest results reflect our commitment to care, not just in nursing care but also introducing initiatives that benefit our residents and their families, staff and volunteers,” Shaaron Robilliard, Director of Nursing said.

“We take our nursing care very seriously, and are always looking at ways of continuously improving what we do and how we do it,” she added.

Over the past year, several initiatives have been introduced from wireless internet, an electronic rostering system through to improved information about diabetes and infection control.

Thanks to philanthropic grants from the Mazda Foundation and the Marian & E.H. Flack Trust, the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria has been able to introduce art and music therapy and a pet therapy program which has made a major difference to the lives of residents living in the aged care facility. New electric beds are also making a difference; five purpose built beds were purchased with funding from the Aged Person’s Welfare Foundation and have been a life changing experience of the residents.

Another initiative has been the start of What’s Important To Me, colourful story boards that are personal to each resident in Liscombe House’s dementia wing. These are used by staff to learn more about each resident, and by residents’ friends and families to help prompt conversations.

Liscombe House is currently caring for 81 residents, 86% of whom have high care needs including dementia and chronic diseases.

“We are never complacent about our work which is why we put every effort into making sure our nursing and care staff are up to date with the latest treatments, approaches, and education programs,” Shaaron said.

OCAV GETS 100/100 from Liscombe House residents

An independent survey of Liscombe House residents has revealed that they are 100 per cent satisfied with the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria. The national benchmark for satisfaction is 87 per cent.

The MOA Benchmarking survey covers more than 30 topics from accommodation, activities, services and facilities, through to management processes and staff.

The survey identifies what works and highlights areas that residents would like addressed, including more space and improved décor.

Highlight for OCAV is that residents emphasised that they are treated with respect and understood; that they felt able to participate in planning their own care; and that their privacy and dignity are respected.

Shaaron Robilliard said: “It was pleasing to note that our nursing and clinical care was singled out by residents particularly our pain management and our ability to deal fairly with any concerns that may arise.”