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Time travelling with OCAV

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Time travelling with OCAV

Fifty years from 2019, future residents will be urged to dig deep to retrieve time capsules that were buried at each village during the 150th anniversary celebrations. “What each capsule represents is an overview of what OCAV is today, kind of a crossroads between the history of where we've been and the future of where we're going," CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

December 8, 2019

Fifty years from 2019, future residents will be urged to dig deep to retrieve time capsules that were buried at each village during the 150th anniversary celebrations.

“What each capsule represents is an overview of what OCAV is today, kind of a crossroads between the history of where we've been and the future of where we're going," CEO Phillip Wohlers said.

The contents have been put together by residents, and contain memorabilia relevant to each village’s past and present, and with messages of hope to future residents.

The idea for time capsules emerged during planning the 150th celebrations as a way of showcasing OCAV’s present day community and culture.

In Braeside Park, the time capsule contains a list of the first residents to go onto gas supply, gold coins, a letter from today’s residents to future residents. The capsule, interred near the foundation stone in the car park, was ‘buried’ by Mona Burke-Kennedy and two of her grandchildren, with help from the Lady Mayoress Amanda Stapledon.

Mona’s contribution to the time capsule is a story she has written about the life that brought her to Braeside Park 23 years ago. She arrived at Braeside Park village after a lifetime of adventures that began when she bid Scotland farewell and sailed to Australia on board the Orion.

After landing in Melbourne, Mona, a trained nurse, headed to Bairnsdale Hospital to work and then to Omeo. It was here she met her farmer husband and had four children. She moved into an independent unit 23 years ago and last year, after cancer surgery, she moved to an assisted living apartment for more support.

“I hope my story and the other letters will give people a glimpse of the Braeside Park life, which we are pleased to be a part of,” she said.

At Leith Park’s celebrations on 20 October, Lorraine Wall did the honours alongside Vicki Ward MP, burying the capsule crammed with laminated photos of village residents and life in the village, coins, a copy of the Festival Program, a mobile phone and vegemite jar.

Lorraine moved to Leith Park in 1991 from nearby Watsonia, and immediately became involved in the village life, starting a choir and organising bingo in the community hall. Until recently she played carpet bowls in the hall.

She said she was honoured to bury the time capsule which will soon be moved to the edible garden in front of the community centre. “I am not quite sure what they will make of the contents when they open it, but it should cause some laughter,” she said,

Margaret and George Young, who moved to Rushall Park 19 years ago, buried the time capsule with Minister for Planning, Housing and Multicultural Affairs the Hon Richard Wynne, Federal MP for Melbourne the Hon Adam Bandt. The capsule included an 1869 penny, a list of current residents, the Garden Party program and the front page of The Age. The time capsule will be placed near the bust of George Coppin in Fripp Avenue.

The Youngs have seen a lot of changes through their time at the village, and were the ideal choice to do the ceremonial burial of the time capsule at the 150th Garden Party on Sunday 27 October.

“The time capsule has a bit of everything in it which reflects life here well…the village has a bit of everything and everyone in it which makes it the place that it is,” she said.

Ellen Doyle, Currie Park resident and 150th project coordinator, buried the capsule alongside Esme Stringer, a long-term Currie Park supporter and former Mayoress, and Deputy Mayor John Mason.

The capsule included the Festival program, a poem written by resident Ken Trimble, a letter to future residents written by resident Paul Taylor, a USB stick with photographs of past and current residents, coins, and other memorabilia.

Ellen said the contents, when opened, would highlight a tight-knit community with a wonderful history. The time capsule has been buried in front of the foundation stone near the community hall.