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Yvette on a life-saving mission

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Yvette on a life-saving mission

When Ian, Currie Park’s maintenance man, found a nest of baby parrots on the ground, he knew exactly what to do.

November 8, 2021

When Ian, Currie Park’s maintenance man, found a nest of baby parrots on the ground, he knew exactly what to do.

He went to Yvette Young, the village’s apartment supervisor, to see whether she could hand rear them.

Yvette has a basic wildlife licence for rescuing birds. She wasted no time in the life-saving mission.

“We are not yet sure whether they are eastern rosellas or king parrots, either way, they are being cared for,” Yvette said.

The baby parrots tumbled to the ground from one of the many tall eucalypts found at Currie Park village in the recent storms.

“Ian was mowing the area and fortunately spotted the nest,” Yvette said.

The birds have blue and green feathers, and red under their necks.